Endometrial Stromal Tumors

The cause of development of Endometrial Stromal Tumor is related to genetic abnormalities. The tumor is known to originate from the endometrial stroma, in many cases. The gene mutations and chromosomal alterations are specific to the subtype of EST.
Endometrial Stromal Tumors may be benign or malignant. Some women may not show any signs and symptoms. In others, the signs and symptoms of EST may include:
The presence of a solitary, small or large tumor; the majority are between 5-10 cm in size
Generally, malignant tumors have poorly-defined boundaries; while, benign tumors are mostly well-defined
Sensation of pelvic mass or enlarged uterus
Most of the tumors are located intramurally (i.e., found within the uterine walls)
In some cases, polypoid tumors are observed
Heavy or abnormal bleeding from the uterus and abdominal pain are both common symptoms in women with EST
Signs and symptoms may also occur from large-sized tumors causing compression of adjoining uterine structures including frequent urination and lower back pain
Pain during sexual intercourse
The diagnosis of Endometrial Stromal Tumor may involve:
Complete physical examination with thorough evaluation of medical history
Ultrasound scan of the pelvis: It is a noninvasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to produce real-time images
Abdominal and pelvic CT scan: It is a noninvasive procedure that provides more details of soft tissues, blood vessels, and internal organs
Pelvic MRI scan: It is a noninvasive medical test that uses a powerful magnetic field to produce images of soft tissues, bones, organs, and all other internal structures of the abdomen and pelvis

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Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC)

Cancer is a "group of diseases characterized by unregulated cell growth and differentiation”. Pancreatic carcinoma usually starts once cells within the pancreas begin to grow uncontrollably. Pancreatic Carcinoma mainly occur in the states Europe and  united States of America, About 60% of the people are suffering from this Pancreatic Cancer, recent studies state that by the end of 2030 the rate Pancreatic cancer will be increased and this cancer will be in leading positions for causing death of the many innocent people.
 The main causes of pancreatic cancer are Jaundice, chronic pancreatitis, Unrelenting pain in the upper belly, Abdominal Pain, back pain, dark colored urine(prior to stent), elevated billirubin, constipation, fatigue, weight loss (15 lbs), swollen feet, painful digestion some days, Numbness on left side slight back pain etc,,
There are four stages of pancreatic cancer they are:
The cancer has not grown outside the pancreas and is 2 centimeters (cm) (about ¾ inch) or less across.
The cancer has not grown outside the pancreas but is larger than 2 cm across.
The cancer has grown outside the pancreas into nearby surrounding structures but not into major blood vessels or nerves.
The cancer has grown beyond the pancreas into nearby large blood vessels or nerves.
The Fourth stage is the dangerous one in rare cases the cancer will be cure in the second stage. As this is very dangerous cancer there is no proper cure for this cancer only is take preventive measures like need to quit smoking and drinking of alcohol, proper exercise, maintenance of healthy weight, etc.
This cancer cannot be cured but many attempts like chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Surgery, Clinical care, and also palliative care should be taken to the patient.
Chemotherapy will help in the killing of cancer cells with the help of drugs these drugs can be injected through or by orally we can take these drugs. Whereas Radiotherapy means these use high energy source like X-rays, protons to destroy the cancer cells. Clinical trials are studies to test new treatments, such as systemic therapy, and new approaches to surgery or radiation therapy. 
 Integrative medicine and alternative therapies may also help you cope with distress. Examples include: Art therapy, Exercise, Meditation, Music therapy, Relaxation exercises, Spirituality.

We are very thankful for giving this Article by Dr Ahmed M. Kabel. The above Article originally got published at SciFed Oncology and Cancer Research Journal in 2017, To have a glance please visit: Click Here